Friday, August 6, 2010

I am a genius.

Your thoughts upon seeing the title:
A post that's not about a trip Seth and Janette have taken?
But.......but I thought this was slowly turning into a travelogue...
I'm so confused.
Yes, that's right. 
There aren't even any pictures in this post!!!
Except for this one.
Because this is to publicly announce that I am a genius for deciding that blogs are better with big pictures and thereby implementing my newfound discovery on my own blog so that you get to see me and Seth's smiling faces covering your ENTIRE COMPUTER SCREEN!
I even coded html.
Yes. I did. 
Wait ... you probably just googled "how to make your blog bigger" didn't you?
Uhh... noooo. I am a genius. A genius I say!
Uh huh. I see those shifty eyes.
Fine. I googled it.

But my blog is still awesome.


  1. MY blog? Janette, you slipped! This is a blog for you AND Seth! Gasp!

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
