Thursday, December 29, 2011

My Name

I know I have a different name. It's not very common, and it gets mispronounced a lot, and it's not spelled the way everyone else expects it to be spelled (though if you ask me, the way I spell it is correct and everyone else is wrong).
So I am used to my name being butchered. But sometimes, I really just have to scratch my head at what people come up with.
This is a new one.


  1. This could pass for a Utah name. Or black. It's versatile.

  2. I'm Andrea (On dree uh) When I worked for a catalog company, I'd say my name "Hello this is Andrea, thanks for calling" and I'd get everything from Hello, An dree uh, to Amanda, Angela, October, August...all kinds of things. I'm so used to correcting people that when my name is pronounced correctly by strangers, I get startled. :)

  3. Haha, wow, that is a new one that I have never heard before! I think you just found yourself a new nickname! :)

  4. Good one Delamanda.

  5. I read this entry and amanda and moms comments outloud to eric and marla, who're here for a few days and marla said, while they've had an exciting night with names, you've had an exciting night emptying a pee bag. haha. -michelle
