Monday, May 6, 2013

The Dresser Debacle

That's what I like to call it.
So the thing I was dreading finally happened. T figured out how to climb out of her crib. And when I say climb out of her crib, what I really mean is that she figured out how to get out onto the dresser that is positioned right next to her crib, but not any farther. She'd get stuck up there.

So she slept on top of the dresser for three days.
Actually, she was sleeping on the diaper changing pad. So I figured all I needed to do was take away the pad, and then she would stay in her crib and sleep on the comfortable mattress instead of the hard dresser top.
She slept on that hard dresser for exactly one nap. I made Seth change her crib into a toddler bed that night, thinking that she wouldn't try to get out onto the dresser if she were able to easily get out of bed.

Yeah. The next morning we found her asleep on her diaper changing pad again (which I had put back.) I guess the motivation was to sleep on the dresser, not to just get out of bed.
So that night we put the unused side of the crib lengthwise in between her crib and the dresser as a shield. Now there was no way she could get onto the dresser! Finally! Our problems would be over!
I guess you can predict what happened next.

She slept sitting up in the glider chair all night.
So the next night Seth and I kept going in and putting her back in her bed and she screamed and cried about it for an HOUR and I felt like the meanest mom in the world.
But then the next night she went to bed peacefully and stayed there all night.

Yeah, that was only a one night thing.
She's been falling asleep in the glider chair for the past week. Seth and I move her into her bed right before we go to sleep.
I've given up.


  1. Hilarious. She sounds awesome.

  2. I've become good at problem solving for different kids with my current job :) Consistency works. I would turn the chair upside down at night so that its not an option. I would also recommend, if you have the space in your room, to move the dresser at least an arms length away from objects she can climb on to get to it (obv. not next to the bed) and then you won't have to have a "barrier" next to her bed either. that's a huge dresser for a kids room! at least you're prepared. some of my moms just have the changing table and ikea bought baskets for the clothes..

  3. Oh the joys of the toddler bed. Becky her daughter's bedroom door closed to keep her in her room when she first got her toddler bed. Haha. Hilarious.
