Thursday, June 19, 2014


1. H, in the kitchen (and the living room, and the bedroom, and the bathroom, and the hallway), with the crayons.
Ugh you can't even see it in the picture. But IT'S THERE.

2. My second-born doesn't realize she is in fact younger than T and can't do some of the same things her older sister can.
Like correctly putting on shorts. She got both legs stuck in one hole and was quite upset about it.
Very entertaining for me.

3. H broke my broom.
That's my excuse for not cleaning the kitchen for the past 3 days.

4. T has figured out if she says "Do you want to [insert boring toddler activity] or no?" the answer she usually gets is no. (I know, bad parenting. Am I the only one that sometimes thinks playing with toddlers is boring?)
So now she says "Do you want to [insert boring toddler activity] or yes? Obviously my answer can only be in the affirmative, and I usually consent to the boring toddler activity as a reward for her cleverness.

5. H likes to shove her finger up her nose and I think it's hilarious. She's not picking it. She just leaves it up there while she walks around and plays. Mostly because she knows it makes me laugh.
Then last night during dinner she was opening her eyes and mouth really big and she looked crazy and hilarious and I was cracking up and unfortunately now she thinks she needs to show me all her chewed-up food during mealtimes.

Bad parenting. I excel at it.


  1. I love your girls. Seriously, the next time you are on this side of the country, I need to meet them. This whole post is amazing, and I love it.

  2. B is really into watching me and Stuart play with her toys while she watches and tells us what to do. It's incredibly boring and I really wish she would move past this stage quickly. Also, how did you get T to dress herself? B refuses to pull up her own pants and I'm not really sure why since she's usually way more independent than I prefer.

    1. Uh I don't know. I didn't teach her, she just started doing it. It was cool at first but now she changes her clothes all day long and it's real annoying.

  3. Speaking of the crayons on the wall: This too shall pass. You will be able to look back and laugh, the way I do about the beet juice all over the walls.
