Monday, November 2, 2009

The Mouse, Part 3

I know many of you have been waiting with bated breath for the conclusion of this exciting story.
Never fear, I am here to indulge your curiosities.
So remember this quote, from my last post?

"We're going to try to catch him again this afternoon. Hopefully he's stupid enough to fall for the same trick twice."

Yeah. He was not a stupid mouse.
We set up our clever little trap two (or was it three?) more times.
Each time our little mouse friend enemy would eat all of the crumbs leading up to the cardboard tube.
And then he would knock the tube over into the bucket, as if mocking us for thinking we could fool him again.

Friday night, in despair, I went to bed early. Seth stayed up to eat Apple Crisp.
When I woke up early Saturday morning, I came out to the kitchen to find this:

I was bewildered. I had no idea what happened. I had to wait 2 hours for Seth to wake up and tell me the story:

And so, the man finally outsmarted the mouse.

After we went out to lunch with some friends, we trooped over to the Duck Pond to set the mouse free in a new home far away from mine. Our friend Canada is an aspiring veterinarian and wanted to show off her animal restraining skills she's been learning in her classes.

But when she took the lid off the bucket, the mouse LEAPED out of it. I'm talking like 3 feet of air here, people. Mice can jump.

She chased it down though and did finally manage to "restrain" the mouse for us to look at.

During this whole episode Seth looked up a lot of information on mice and learned that they typically do not live alone. So as a precaution, he set out some crumbs in our cupboard to see if there were any more left foraging for food in our house.

The crumbs were gone in the morning.

I'm thinking this is not the end of our mice troubles.


  1. haha nice is seth still reading diary of a wimpy kid? anyway good job

  2. wow, I'd never think to look up information and leave crumbs to see, what a smart guy seth is. I really wish you wouldn't use those videos, I can't watch them. I was wondering where "part 1" of the episode was. now you'll have to explain what seth did. and what part 1 showed. please? :)

  3. Good job. I too noticed you were reading the Wimpy Kid series--awesome. You know there's a new book out. It's at Costco.

  4. Just go get a snapping trap! Set several up for several days. In a week your problem will be solved!
