Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Plane Trip

The three of us are flying out to Arizona next week to see my mom, and my sister and her 5.5 month old are coming too.
I am nervous.
Other trips I've taken with T have been in the car, which means that I can stuff absolutely everything I think I might possibly need for her in with us. I can't do that on an airplane trip.
So I am looking for suggestions. Anyone flown with an 8 month old? What do I do? What do I bring?
And most importantly - will we survive the plane trip?


  1. The bad news is that when I travelled with Tara as a baby she had motion sickness and threw up into 2 different airplane blankets.

    Another time, when we flew with 4 children, all 4 of them threw up.

    But that is the curse of having motion sickness-prone children.

    Another thing I have seen, is that if anyone has a stuffy nose or any sinus stuffiness, the pain is unbearable (at least it was for me one time.) I can just imagine why babies cry so much on planes, it is probably because of the pressure in their heads.

    Just prepare to be embarassed! It is inevitable.

  2. I've never flown with a baby, but my good friend has taken her 16 month old on about 20 plane trips so has told me a million things. Her latest thing is that you will most likely need to bring a copy of Tessa's birth certificate if she will be on your lap.

  3. I flew 3 times with e when she was a baby. Google can tell you more than I can remember. But be prepared for it to suck a lot, then if it only sucks a little you will be prepared. And every time I flew with my kids they blew out. Just pack everything you know you will need and if you have to you can go buy whatever it is you need. But maybe I just tell myself that because I am so scatterbrained that I always forget something.

  4. Bring earplugs or an ipod. That way if people treat you rudely for flying with an infant, you can just be like, "what was that? I can't hear you!"

  5. I love this picture.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. I was terrified the first time we flew with the little man. For me, it can sometimes be painful when my ears get "clogged", so I was worried it would be painful for him too. I heard the tip to nurse, or feed them a bottle, during take-off and landing which is what we've done and it has worked. He's never been in pain from his ears whenever we've flown! The first time we took him on a plane he was 6 months old, so luckily not too wiggly yet, but he definitely jabbered a lot and was pretty loud. So if he ever whined I'd nurse him! It would give us at least a few minutes of quiet. :) Now that he is bigger and he doesn't nurse anymore, we've had to just bring lots of snacks, toys and books to keep him entertained. But mostly snacks. Jared and I do a lot of handing him back and forth, just like at church. :) Which reminds me - if you have anything that keeps Tessa really entertained at church, bring that! And luckily the little man has happened to sleep a whole lot on our flights. I hope Tessa passes out in a deep slumber for you! :)

    If at all possible, bring an extra outfit for yourself, even if it is just an extra pair of sweats and a t-shirt crammed in the bottom of your diaper bag, because the first time the little man ever peed through his clothes and onto my leg was on a plane. Also, before I was a mom I never paid much attention to airplane bathrooms. But since having a baby and flying with him I have noticed that they do not have changing tables! Yes, the bathrooms are too small to have changing tables, but come on! I mean, I try to avoid changing tables in public at all costs anyway just because, well, gross. But if he had a poopy diaper on a plane, I'd much rather try and wrangle him on a changing table in the bathroom than change him while sitting in my seat with a stranger next to me. So be prepared for that! Luckily we haven't experienced blowouts on the plane, but we have had poopy diapers that we have shamelessly waited to change until we landed and into the airport.

    Honestly, whenever I hear a baby crying on a plane, I don't think "I hate those people and that baby", even though that is always what I assume people think of me and our baby on planes. I think most people understand, have been there themselves, or else have their headphones in. :) But really, you'll survive and I'm betting it won't be as bad as you're fearing! :) Have a fun time in AZ!

  8. I'm sure you've done your research on-line and found lots of useful things. Never underestimate the entertainment of peek a boo, itsy bitsy spider, and the piggie/ toe song... We just got back from LA and my tip from that trip is always get lids on your drinks. You're in too close of quarters, she WILL get it. Also, they don't want more than one lap child per row, so you and Amanda will have to sit across the aisle from each other and depending on how zealous your flight attendants are, you and Seth may not be able have her baby on your side at all. It's because there's only one extra air mask on each row/side that falls from the ceiling in an emergency so it's their protocol not to have more people than air masks. Best of luck, and I agree w/ Rachel, it's best to expect the worse and be pleasantly surprised :)

  9. I asked my friend who flew with her 6 month old a little bit ago. Her pediatrician told her it was ok to sedate him with Benadryl! haha! She said it worked! Also to nurse with take off and landing to help with their ears.
