Sunday, December 16, 2012

I've created a monster.

A week or so ago I was trying to get T to finish up the last few bites of her dinner and did so by pretending to feed them to her doll first. She thought this was AWESOME and promptly finished off her food.
I congratulated myself on being a genius mother.

The next day for breakfast she gathered up one of her stuffed animals and insisted on me feeding both of them. How cute, I thought. She remembers.

Then she insisted on it again for lunch. And dinner. And all three meals the next day.

It's been a week now and if T is eating, her stuffed animals are eating too. Most of the time she refuses to take a bite until I've fed them.
What have I done?


  1. Don't you hate when your genius plans backfire? I've tried to get Brooklyn to eat by taking a bite of her food to show how delicious it is. She then proceeds to give me all her food.

  2. I can't tell you how rewarding it is to see my grandchildren payback their parents on my behalf

  3. Haha! I have had so many things backfire too. Good luck! Maybe you should put down her food and run. On the other hand, if you figure out how to get her to eat without feeding the animals, let me know. That is always a battle in our house.
