Friday, June 14, 2013

I like my children.

Um if you are just looking at my blog it seems like my children are a constant annoyance to me and life is a drag.
It's not. I like my children and I like being with them.
So I wanted to highlight some of my favorite things about them:

1. At night when we change her out of her clothes to put on her pajamas she insists on first running around the house at top speed in only her diaper and screaming "Naked! Naked!" for a few minutes. She thinks it is the best, and I do too.
1.5 The way she runs is also hilarious. I don't have any video, but just imagine someone running on a trampoline and that's kind of what she looks like - like she is about to fall over at any second.
2. The singing. She LOVES to sing and has about 10 different ones in her repertoire. She is on repeat for most of the day, and I'm very proud of her for learning all of them.
3. She just recently discovered potty humor and now gleefully exclaims "poop!" and then laughs to herself at random points during the day. I also have a two-year old sense of humor so I also think this is pretty funny.

1. Just figured out how to roll from her back to her stomach and is always quite pleased with herself until she remembers she hates being on her stomach and starts crying. I am a terrible mother so this makes me laugh.
2. When she gets excited her she gets this big wide smile and flaps her arms back and forth as fast as she can. She will do this at very un-exciting things, like when I smile at her. It makes me feel very interesting and exciting.
3. I still get to cuddle her in my arms and she likes it. I am not a cuddly baby person, except for with my own children. And then I am like yay babies! And I start doing that annoying mom-talking. It is the best.
In conclusion, my children are hilarious and awesome and adorable and I love them.
Even when they bug me.


  1. You have such adorable girls! Eli is doing the same thing with rolling onto his stomach and then screaming. I don't get why he does it since he hates being on his tummy as well. Silly babies!

  2. That picture of them both giving a blank stare is pretty priceless. Love the matching outfits!

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