Friday, October 3, 2014

Five on Friday

1. All seven seasons of Gilmore Girls were released on Netflix on Wednesday and it is so awesome. I've watched the entire first season already. Don't judge me.
Seth has been sneakily watching it with me even though he doesn't want to admit it. My girls can name everyone in the show by now. Gilmore Girls forever!
2. Seth is the fun parent in this household. This robot game is the latest favorite thing to do.

3. Crochet projects: one scarf, one headband, one monster, and two princess crowns for the girls. I've done all this while watching Gilmore Girls. It's a good thing these two new obsessions can be done simultaneously or I would have no time for anything else.

4. T locked my bedroom door yesterday, so after fruitlessly trying to unlock it with a paper clip, I had to spend a half-hour taking apart the whole doorknob. I was not. happy.
5. H finally discovered the hard way why she is not allowed to play with the bar of soap in our shower. She took a few bites out of it and then spent 20 minutes crying and spitting it out. She hasn't touched the soap since.


  1. Cute monster! Cute crowns! Yucky soap!

  2. I love the little crowns! Fiber arts/crafts are so much fun once you get a hang of it. I'm not as big on crocheting, but I can't sit down without pulling out my knitting. It makes me feel productive even when I'm being lazy, ha!

  3. good thing h cannot see that I am laughing at her misery. that's totally what I love doing, crocheting while watching something. it means im not reaching for food while watching something...success in everything!

  4. I have watched a six season show in less than a week. No judgments here. Haha. Also, I am laughing historically at H eating soap. Hahahahaha. I feel a little mean because she's a baby, but I got over it. Hahahahaha.

  5. *hysterically. I'm not sure how one historically laughs, but thinking about it makes me laugh.

  6. I came back to your site to watch the robot game :) I love seeing her!
