Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Toddler Talk #8

T: Daddy, you need a break from Mommy.
S: No I don't. Mommy is my best friend.
T: No. Mommy isn't your friend. She's your wife.

During a prayer:
T: Thank you for mommy. Thank you for Hailey not being a good girl. Thank you for Daddy...

During clean-up time:
J: Tessa, can you put this doll away?
T: Yes sir, mom!

At lunch:
T: We need to throw these wrappers away.
J: Ok. Go ahead.
T: I don't know how.
J: Yes you do. Go throw them away.
T: My arms are too tired. *hands wrappers to me*

After jumping from the footstool to the couch:
T: Yay this is my best life!

And one from Seth:
T: I want to watch The Magic School Bus.
S: Why?
T: Because I do.
S: That's circular logic Tessa. And it's not welcome in this house.

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