I saw the idea somewhere on the internet to take a picture of what you are doing once every hour.
So yesterday I did that.
This has forced me to admit my life is pretty boring. But that's not going to stop me from writing a whole blog post about it anyway. Curious what we do all day? Now you'll know!
Eight o'clock
T and I (and my cabbage patch doll that she has claimed as her own) eat breakfast. Seth has already left for work.
Nine o'clock
T has been changed and dressed and now I am puttering around cleaning up the kitchen and starting laundry and doing other house-worky things. Also we watch reruns of The Office.
Ten o'clock
I hop in the shower, so T decides this is the perfect opportunity to empty the contents of my purse, which I have unwisely left on the floor instead of hanging up.
When I'm done getting ready we read some books together and then stare out the window looking for the cat that sometimes comes in our yard.
Eleven o'clock
The more pregnant I get the more boring I am to T, so I decided now would be a good time to make a cardboard ball drop for us to play with. I found this idea on the internet somewhere a few months ago and unfortunately I now can't find the original tutorial. I decided to make it anyway and it turned out pretty ghetto. T is interested for about 30 seconds.
But then I decided to put away the marbles we used in a ceramic mug and she
loves the sound they make being dropped in. This activity takes up a good half hour, which is EONS in toddler time.
Also later when Seth gets home from work he finds this cardboard monstrosity totally awesome and plays with it for a while.
So win-win for me.
Twelve o'clock
A package arrives from my mom (Thanks mom!) and T starts trying to unwrap the presents as soon as I pull them out. I have to retape three of them before sticking them under the tree. Strangely enough, she doesn't touch them once they're under there.
Instead she quickly moves on to the box, and the styrofoam pieces in it.
Seth normally comes home about now for lunch but today he has decided he will stay at work because there are copious amounts of delicious food from his work holiday party that morning.
One o'clock
T has been put down for her nap and I am doing the one of two things I normally do during this time: eating. (The other is sleeping.) I promise I have more than just sugar cookies.
Two o'clock
T wakes up much earlier from her nap than I was planning. I spent too long eating and now I don't get a nap in.
I give her a snack and then we putter around. I do housework and she either helps me or plays on her own. Ok and I waste some time on the internet. I'll be honest.
Three o'clock
We (including the stuffed snowman) go play outside for a while.
Later on I will catch her with the camera holding it out in front of her and grinning in a parody of this moment.
Four o'clock
We go inside and start making cookies (Chocolate crinkles this time) and dinner. Also, more of the The Office (as you can see in the background.)
Five o'clock
T gets bored with helping me cook and instead decides a better use of her time would be to spread all of her books out on the floor.
Six o'clock
Seth has gotten home by now and we eat dinner. We both love when Seth gets home. I get adult conversation and T gets a playmate that can actually play with her.
Seven o'clock
One of these two is having a meltdown because they are not allowed to go play in the garage. Guess who? We decide bedtime needs to be pushed up a bit tonight.
Eight o'clock
T is in bed. Seth sits down to work on his Seminary lesson for the morning. I start working on this blog post.
Nine o'clock
We both keep getting distracted by the endless pages of the internet so it's taking us a while to finish. I think we get to bed around 9:45, which is actually late for us. One of us gets up at 5 every morning and the other is pregnant, so we like to sleep.
And that's our day. Fascinating, right?
I'm going to pretend everyone who read this responded with: Right!