Tuesday, January 5, 2010


I know what hell is going to be like.

You will be traveling through airports ALL DAY LONG.
You will be sick.
There are no places for you to lie down because airport chairs all have those metal armrests.
Medicine will do nothing for you.
And you will never make it home to your bed.

Luckily I did make it home. But I still couldn't get into my bed because it was freezing in my house. You could see your breath.
So we dropped off our stuff, turned on the heater, and promptly left for Taco Bell and Costco. It was somewhat warmer when we returned.
None of our canned food froze and burst. None of our pipes froze. Everything seemed fine...

Until we turned the water on.
That's when we realized the cold water tap in the kitchen sink would not shut off.
Seth could probably explain this better than me, but I'll give it a shot.
There is a little rubber gasket inside the tap that makes sure no water can come out through the faucet when we turn it off. This one was held in place by a little screw. I guess over time the screw had started getting looser and looser due to the tap being opened and closed and taken apart and such. Before we left we turned our water off and opened up the tap all the way so as to get rid of any extra water in the pipes. I guess this was the final straw because it came completely unscrewed. The next time we tried to use it (last night) the screw just ripped into the the rubber o-ring and tore it to shreds. Now even though we turned it off, water was still coming out.
So we left it on long enough for us to use the bathroom and get ready for bed, then turned the water off again.
Seth had class at 8am this morning. He gets back at 10 and then we are going to run out and see if we can find an identical rubber gasket to replace the old one with.
Seth doesn't think they really sell them anymore. They'd rather sell you the whole sink.
If this is true, that means we have to get a new kitchen sink.
I haven't taken a shower. I haven't used the bathroom. I haven't brushed my teeth (though I will shortly since I just remembered we have a bottle of water).
And I really need to do all of these things. I smell like sickness.
I guess our break is over.


  1. do you need your keys that you gave nephi? you can use our shower if you want as well.

  2. okay, ditto on the cold bed after a vacation thing. Jameson and I couldn't even sleep the first night back our apt was so cold and dead.
