Saturday, January 22, 2011

Exciting Life of a Pregnant Woman!

Guess what. It's actually not that exciting.

My mom called me the other day incensed because I hadn't called to update her about my pregnancy, but it's only because I had nothing to say. This was our conversation:
Have you started to show yet?
Have you felt the baby move yet?
Do you know the gender yet?
Do you have a list of names picked out?
Do you want a baby shower?
Have you been feeling sick?
Have you been feeling any pregnancy symptoms?
Do you know where you will be living when the baby is born in July?
And lots of other inquiries to which my answer was No or I don't know, I haven't thought about it.

So basically I am the most boring pregnant woman ever. Sorry everyone.

I did break one of our kitchen chairs the other day though. The seat cracked and now I'm not allowed to sit in the chair until Seth can reinforce it.
I swear I've only gained 10 pounds. 
Ok. Maybe 15. 
I'm 17 weeks though....that's supposed to be normal, right?. 
But I don't think breaking a chair is...
I don't think I will mention it to the doctor.


  1. hahaha I love it. I'm sure things will get more exciting soon, though!

  2. Bahahahaha oh Janette. I love it. And I will send your baby something awesome, like a Yoda hat.

  3. why no baby shower? are you doing to find out about the sex or do you want to keep it a surprise? you're so lucky, janette. lots of women have to suffer through their pregnancies. I hope one day i'll have it like you!

  4. You should have a countdown to when your ultrasound is, or a ticker on your blog showing how far you are. oh well, enjoy the calmness while you can!!

  5. My doctor always laughed at me when I said "normal". No such thing.

  6. About three weeks ago I sat on the edge of our couch because I was going to lay down and take a nap, and I broke the couch. Seriously. I think that's much worse than breaking a chair. Also {bonus} now we good a new couch.

  7. I kind of think it is time you start posting pictures again:)

  8. Holy I missed the original exciting post and was very confused when I started this. CONGRATULATIONS!! This is wonderful news! I am so happy for you! And you will be awesome, fun, cool parents. :)

    And don't worry about being a "boring" pregnant person now, it will all check up with you soon enough. It is all wonderful, though.
