Wednesday, January 12, 2011


Dear J.K. Rowling,
I blame you.
You and your Harry Potter books. All 4,224 pages of them.
Thanks to you, I have spent the past 2 weeks furiously reading all 7 of them again, leaving my house messy and unkempt, and my neglected husband with nothing to do but play more video games than is probably healthy for him. And did you really think I would cook dinner regularly and get reasonable amounts of sleep, when I had Harry Potter to finish?
Obviously you did not, because my life is now in shambles.
But no more. I finished your series, and I refuse to pick them up again for a long long time.
Goodbye J.K. Rowling. And good riddance.
p.s. Just kidding about the good riddance, I LOVE YOU AND I LOVE HARRY POTTER!


  1. I'm jealous. What I wouldn't give to read Harry Potter for two weeks. But, if I did that, I'd get fired. Maybe someday?...

  2. David bought them all for me for christmas... I haven't started because I know life will stop until I've finished. I'm glad to hear you like them... gives me motivation to begin.
