Friday, July 26, 2013

H: Six Months

My baby is six months old.

A few items of note:
-REFUSES to sit on my hip like a normal baby. Must be facing forward at all times.
-sits up very well but usually needs some pillows around to catch her inevitable tumble.
-loves to eat real foods (and always needs a bib, unlike how her neat and clean older sister was)
-chunky chunky baby. It is a struggle to make sure all the crevices and rolls get cleaned in the bath.
-insists on novelty with her toys. If she played with it that morning and I offer it again, it will be thrown at me.
-goes to sleep easily as long as she has her pacifier and a blanket to hold over her face.
Yep. Life is good when you are 6 months old.


  1. haha, H has got the be the happiest baby ive seen, from all her photos and her descriptions and from when we skyped.

  2. I love chunky babies! They are the best. She is awesome and adorable.

  3. This baby is so sweet. Looks very smiley baby.
