Friday, September 25, 2015


I'm assuming everyone has heard of the nesting phase in pregnancy. It's supposedly when a woman tries to get her home ready for the baby.
I kind of scoff at this idea, except I am totally guilty of it, especially this time around. My normal organizational and cleanliness traits kick into overdrive and I find myself making lists that look like this:
1. Vacuum my headboard
2. Clean out the washing machine
3. Organize and label all files in the house
4. Wipe down all the doors

And other crazy stuff that I normally wouldn't care about. Now it NEEDS TO GET DONE IMMEDIATELY. It's driving me nuts. I want to clean out all of our closets too but I'm afraid I might not get to it before the baby comes. (I added it to my list anyway.)

The problem is that this phase kicks in right when I am at my most unwieldy and tired stage of pregnancy. The other impediment is that I have round ligament pain pretty bad this time around, which is sharp, stabbing pains where my leg connects to my torso. This means it hurts to sit, stand, walk, and roll over in bed. Basically anytime I move. This has made it doubly difficult to check things off on my nesting to-do list.
But it has to be done, or I will go crazy.
Well, crazier than I already am.
Here is Seth checking off yet another thing on my list, cleaning and fixing the vacuum. The retractable cord kept retracting while vacuuming. I was quite pleased he had to take it almost all apart to do so because that meant I could clean every nook and cranny! It was really an inappropriate amount of excitement. For cleaning a vacuum.

Only four more weeks of this madness. Please tell me to stop adding things to my list.


  1. 5. Call your mother. 😊

  2. Kira is going through this right now. Becky made Kate move out when she was going through it with Kylie because she was too messy. Hahaha. Nesting. I hope you are able to get your list done and not go crazy.
