Thursday, September 17, 2009

The Big Test

I just finished taking the performance part of the Utah Interpreter Certification Test.
I'm so happy it's over. Now I get to wait 3 or 4 months for the results!
Yes, it does take that long. I don't know why.

More information for you:
The Certification Test has two parts: a written and a performance part. You take the written part first, and once you pass that you can apply to take the performance part.
The performance test for the Novice level (the 1st level) (there are only 2 levels in Utah) has 3 parts: A spoken-to-sign interpretation, a sign-to-spoken interpretation, and a role play situation (interpreting back and forth between a deaf signer and a hearing speaker)
In my opinion, if my certification were based only on one of the 3 parts, this is how I would do:
Spoken-to-Sign: Maybe
Sign-to-Spoken: No
Role Play: Yes

I was shaking the whole drive up to Salt Lake. (The test is given at the Center for the Deaf up there). And now I can't help analyzing everything that's going to be a long few months.


  1. Best wishes on your tests! What happens after you find out your scores? Do you get some sort of a license?

  2. I kept wanting to switch out your blogs...I just did it. Sorry I've missed so many of your posts. I've really just not wanted to blog. It took all I had just to do that freakin long one so mom and dad would have an update! You are AWESOME for reading it too, I love you
