Wednesday, June 8, 2011

I'm very pregnant.

I'm 36 weeks today.
I feel humongous.
Don't be fooled by that happy smile.
I am done with being pregnant.
The girl, unfortunately, is not done.
So I wait. And complain.

I just want to sleep on my back again, all right?
I also want to be able to sleep through the night again, but we all know that's just going to get a whole lot worse. I suppose I will take getting up twice a night for now.
What did I get myself into?


  1. And you still have four more weeks at least. Heh heh heh... :-)

    Say your two single and non-expectant former roommates(who can still sleep on our backs through the night and wear our own shoes and normal clothes).

    Amy and Angelica

  2. You look like you shoved a balloon up your blouse. Wish I looked that good pregnant!
    Hang in there. Everyone says "it just gets worse". But honestly, baby will be sleeping through the night before you know it!

  3. aw, my little janette. you look so cute! I can't believe you're going to be a momma!! Sorry about being uncomfortable. lets hope time goes fast.

  4. I'm done with being pregnant, too. Let's go on strike.

    I hate to say it, but it doesn't get much better in terms of being comfortable. That being said, every day is one day closer to the day you meet your baby girl! I'm having the hardest time being patient... I keep looking down at my belly and yelling "GET OUT!"
