Thursday, October 13, 2011

3 Months Old

I don't have a newborn anymore. I have a real, legitimate baby.
I told that to Seth the other day and his response was "As opposed to an illegitimate baby?"
Hardee-har-har. You are so funny Seth.
Who else remembers when saying "not" after everything was so cool? We should bring that back.
Her rolls continue to grow.
I used to be able to say that I had a very happy baby, and that she only cried when she was hungry.
I can't say that anymore. She can get pretty fussy.
But that's ok.
Here is some video of her new favorite thing: looking at herself in the mirror. I have a budding narcissist.
Ignore the camera issues. Taking a video and holding a baby up at the same time is difficult.
She also likes eating her hands. 
She is starting to laugh some, but it comes and goes. Seth is clearly the winner when it comes to making her laugh, as he is more willing to make of a fool of himself. One of these days I will capture it on camera. 
The past few days she has decided she doesn't want to eat and screams when I try. Then she screams because she is hungry. 
Babies are so illogical sometimes. 

Happy 3 months!


  1. You are hilarious. Also your baby is cute.

  2. Such a cute smile and that ladybug costume is adorable!

  3. I should come over just to pinch those cheeks...

  4. She is adorable!! And she makes that headband look good. :) I love the ladybug costume.

  5. I miss her already
