Thursday, October 28, 2010

The House Tonight

Seth is going to be teaching a Merit Badge workshop on Electricity on Friday and Saturday.
He decided to prepare for it today.
When I came home from work I took a nap and when I woke up the table looked like this:
Electronics barfed all over my table.
Seth likes to keep things like this. He tinkers with them. When my hair dryer broke his eyes got real big and he asked me excitedly if he could please take it apart instead of me just throwing it away. He likes to go to Goodwill and buy old outdated electronic things so he can take them apart. His latest find was a joystick from the 90s. He keeps it all in a cardboard box in our bedroom and when he gets bored, he'll take the box out and start tinkering.
Usually when he does this, electronics barf all over my table. Like tonight.
I didn't complain though. I think because for the past 3 days I've been telling him I will do the dishes, no, no, you don't have to do them, I WILL do them, don't worry, don't worry.
And as of tonight the sink still looks like this:
Just keepin' it real here, folks.

Now maybe I'd better go do the dishes.


  1. I love this! My dad's like your hubs whenever any electronics broke it was stripped apart and throughly examined, one to see if he could fix it and two to see what was inside.

  2. That looks familiar (the kitchen and the table). Way to be consistent, you two :)

  3. You better watch out. Steve once visit taught a woman with a husband like this. He took to making secret trips on trash days and when he died they found 25 washers or dryers, 40 lawn mowers, and 15 refrigerators hidden on his property. He was going to fix them someday!

  4. That top picture doesn't really look like Seth...the long hair and patchy beard...Oh, my bad. It was him all along.
