Monday, October 4, 2010

David Visits

Sometimes I write down things people have said in an unpublished blog post so that I can revise it later and publish something funny with word-for-word quotes. (Seth sent me this comic after I did this to him for practically one entire night.) I know, it's an odd habit. I can't help it.
Apparently I forgot about this one and I have just discovered it again tonight.
They are quotes from my younger brother David when he came to visit Seth and I back in June. (or was it July?)
I thought they were good enough to deserve an actual published blog post.
I miss you David.

Me: Where's your beach towel?
David: *blank stare*
Me: Remember how I told you to bring one since we don't have an extra?
David: Yeah. . . . . No no, it's ok. I'm so hot, I'll just dry off.

Right after hugging me goodnight - tenderly - he suddenly remarks, "Hey. You know I can manhandle you?"
Then he puts up his fists and gives me a head nod.
"Bring it."

1 comment:

  1. hahahaha. Oh dear. I don't know if David knows how wrong some of the things he says are except hearing it from friends...
