Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Baby Announcement

It's a girl!

It took me a few minutes to wrap my head around this, since I was absolutely convinced it was going to be a boy. Let's hope my mothering instincts get a little sharper.
Actually I was so sure it was going to be a boy that we had a name picked out already. (Charlie) I swear, the months it took for me to get Seth to agree on that name....all while he was suggesting names like Horatio.
So now we have to come up with girl names. Seth has already suggested "Brunhilda."

Yeah. Good thing I have 5 more months to figure something out.

We are having a little girl!


  1. YEAH! Congratulations :) It is a good thing I stalk blogs for updates!

  2. AHH! So exciting! Girls are the best :)

  3. We came up with an awesome girl name today: Hyacinth Bucket Winsor. (If you dont know its the name of a British tv show character.) You could use it if you want ;)

  4. Hooray for little girls! I am so happy for you guys!

  5. Don't you like the name I suggested? You could always do a derivative of that...

    Anjulie, Angela, Anjulique, Angie, and of course Angelica...

  6. Charlie would make a great girl's name. Her real name could be Charlotte? and you could just call her Charlie.

  7. Congratulations on a girl. They are so much fun. Don't worry about your mom instincts. I am 0 for 2 on guessing my own babies, but I can guess everyone else's it seems. I think next pregnancy I wil just plan on having the opposite of whatever I feel like it is.

    Brunhilda is good, but what about Olga?

  8. Seth's great-great-great grandmother's name was Palestine Palmima McDaniel Stover. You could call her Pal or Mima.

  9. Mom here. I made the same suggstion to katie as your dad did. Name her charlotte and call her charlie. Katie gave me a look of disgust that only katie can and said that's ugly. But since both your parents agree which doesn't happen very often maybe u should consider it.

  10. Found your blog by pressing "next blog" haha new to this stuff but congratulations and I find you to be quite amusing.

  11. I'm against naming kids something only to call them something else. If you wanna call her Charlie, call her Charlie. If I name my daughter Charlotte, she will stay Charlotte...good luck pettering something out with the the hubby ;)
