Wednesday, May 19, 2010


So far, moving has been a lot of work. 
Seth and I have decided we are never going to move again. 
Sorry, future children. Your bedroom can be the patio.
This is packing day back in Provo.
The reason we have such a massive amount of stuff is that my mother decided now would be the perfect time to unload all of the junk my older sisters and I had accumulated throughout our childhood out to the East Coast (since we all live out here now). 
This also included absolutely everything my older sister Michelle owns that she does not have with her in England.
And Michelle doesn't like to throw things away.
We couldn't have done it without help from my family, as well as our friends who came to help us load up the truck (which didn't arrive until the day after my parents had left.)
These people must really like us.

Our moving truck arrived in Raleigh one week ago, and we enlisted the help of all of Seth's family living in the area. Unfortunately I don't have any pictures since the camera was missing at the time.
But here's some of the aftermath.
And this is actually after I'd spent a whole morning unpacking stuff. 

Our apartment is still pretty messy. This is because both Seth's parents and my Dad also decided now was the perfect time to unload all of the stuff they had been keeping for Seth and I.
If I'd just had to go through the stuff I brought from Utah I'd be done by now.
Who knew I used to be such a packrat?
Seth, unfortunately, still is. 
Actually, pretty much all of the boxes left out are his, and I have been cracking the whip to get him to stop looking at Homestarrunner and start unpacking his boxes.
We'll see how long it takes...


  1. Sorry I wasn't there to help you...I wanted to. Really. Truly. Seth, don't be a bum.

  2. I do too throw stuff away, I'm not too much of a pack rat like Jim or Grandma. I just threw out almost all of my school stuff here. But the things I like doing tend to be big--reading and collecting books, stuffed animals, movies...they are heavy and big.
