Thursday, March 17, 2011

Pregnancy Update

My sister Katie was in Richmond with my family for Spring Break this week, so last night Seth and I met them halfway for dinner.
Since none of them have seen me since I announced my pregnancy at Christmas, they promptly freaked out when they saw my now obviously pregnant belly. They couldn't stop staring at it.
In fact, my sister Katie pronounced it "so disgusting."
Not quite the reception I was expecting.

Although I must say I think my father was even more shocked when he asked me later if I was going to watch "the game" tonight and I replied, what game? (Apparently there is a really good basketball player at BYU nicknamed "Jimmer." Have you heard of him?......)

In other sisters-being-supportive-of-my-pregnancy news, all three had the same reaction when I told them the two baby names we were thinking of: 
"Oh. Ok. Well..... I guess I could see people growing to like that."
This is not just confined to my sisters. It's everyone's reaction. (Except for oddly enough my father, who loves one of the names.) I thought this would bother me, but it really doesn't. I think it's because I'm so relieved to have finally found not one, but TWO names that Seth and I actually agree on.

I always thought naming a baby would be fun. Nope. It sucks.

EDIT: The names are Stella and Tessa.


  1. And so of course you neglect to tell us what those names are... Thou cruel hearted siren.

  2. You look so cute with a baby bump! P.S. I like your new bathroom sign.

  3. Yeah, I want to know how weird these names are. If it's something like "Laura" then I'm going to be offended at your family. And if it's something like..."BonQuisha" then yeah, I guess people will get used to it eventually...hahahaha.

  4. Oh please tell us the names. I'm so curious now.

    ps you look so cute! It makes me happy.

  5. Your sisters are weird. There, I said it. ;)

    At least you're not attempt to name your spawn Digby or something.

  6. Both names are beautiful! Tessa Winsor...Stella Winsor...both so cute. YAY for finding two names that you agree on! The one and only boy name that Jared and I love is Brady. :) Chances are, if someone is a boy, and he has a name, we both think his name is ugly. Unless it's Brady. I'm not sure why. Hopefully we'll get over that if another boy comes around. :)

  7. hey, my wive is pregnant too. We wish you all the best. :)
