Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Time-Lapse Camera

I suppose this post will be rather geekier in nature than all the baby-related things that Janette has been posting lately.  As any good tinkerer, I enjoy showing off when I have a project that actually works.

My latest project has been the modification of my old digital camera to link with an Arduino microcontroller so that it can be used for time-lapse photography.  This is just the prototype; in the end there should be a lot fewer wires hanging out everywhere.

Skipping all the technical details, it's basically able to take pictures at regular intervals so you can make a fast-forward movie of a normally slow event.

To test it out, Janette and I decided to put together a puzzle with the camera taking a picture every 40 seconds.  The puzzle ended up taking about two and half hours to put together, but with the magic of time-lapse all of you can experience the action-packed event just by watching a short video.

Next on the list of things to do a time lapse of:
a plant growing
bread rising
clouds moving across the sky
something rotting or growing mold (Janette is trying to veto this one)

Anyone have any ideas to add?


  1. That is awesome. I think a caterpillar to butterfly transformation would be awesome (or just a hatching butterfly). Or Elizabeth and Thomas trashing their room, it happens pretty often and it would be amazing to watch.

  2. I could plate you out a plate of yeast and you could watch the colonies pop up. Not quite as disgusting as something rotting (I would veto that one too, especially if you were trying to do it inside the house!)

  3. Awesome video. I plan on doing some timelasp soon. Visit my site and see the link to The Chapel. This guy has some great time laspe videos.

  4. Could you write about how you built it? Maybe post some schematics? I've been itching to do an arduino project for a while, and I do have an older camera laying around.

  5. this makes me happy, very happy. im jealous, i want a tech savvy husband who can build me a fancy camera. (dont tell david) ;]

    i've meddled with some time lapse stuff in photo and my favorite subjects are people doing something. Ex: making dinner, playing at the park, decorating an empty room (baby room?), etc. They aren't as scientific as seth might be into with his mold, but you might be more game. ha

  6. Janette in labor.

  7. Wow thats cool!

    I had some friends who were into photography (ones majoring in it, its nicola in my friends links) in england and they had a time lapse digital camera, only what it did was you pressed it and it took four shots in succession. one of my friends on facebook has the four picture standard as his profile pic. when you first talked about a time lapse camera, I thought thats how it would go, but I'm well impressed!!
