Wednesday, July 11, 2012

The Snack Chair

This is one of my little secrets people don't see when they come over to my house.
It's our snack chair.
I just leave cheerios or graham crackers out on it and T helps herself when she needs a little pick-me-up. I only clean it off and put it away when there are visitors.

Seth suggested we just buy a doggie dish and leave food in it for her. He followed that up with the question, "It's not child abuse to treat your child like a pet, right?"
This query would be in conjunction with his idea to use a spray bottle full of water to spray T in the face as a form of discipline, much like owners training pet cats.
Reminds me a little bit of this conversation.

Um, I promise he is a good father.



  1. I just have to comment and say 1. she is so cute and 2. you are hilarious. Of all the blogs I read where the moms talk about their kids, yours is definitely the funniest.

  2. Uh yeah, I have so totally done the spray with water on the cheek thing (I did avoid the eyes). Very effective. Am I a horrible mom? It was the only thing that would keep him from rolling over and over while I changed his diaper. The rolling was getting to be a HUGE problem.

  3. Have you ever thought about saying yes to some of his suggestions, just to see what he does?

  4. I love this! We totally do this too. If I give the little man a cup with snacks in it he just dumps it all over the floor. So his snacks are often put on a chair too! So funny.
